The hour of 2:30 makes me happy because school ends.
Time to eat (8 am, 12 pm, 6pm) because it makes me feel like I am going to eat and feel satisfied.
When it is real late but I do not have to wake up early the next day, I feel really rested and nice.
When I see the red light of the blackberry go on it gives me a sort of anxiety
Saturday nights make me feel happy because the next day at morning I get a good breakfast.
When the clock goes 7:30 I feel depressed, its time for school to start
Sunday night, since it is the last time before school and its barely the beginning of the week.
When it is real late on school days I feel sad since I will be really tierd the next day.
The first class every day gives me a sense of boredom because it lasts more then usual, sometimes its two,
Entering the spanish class since we always talk too much it gives me a sense of boredom and sleepy feeling.

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